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June 26 Newsletter

Written by
Aaron Story
Published on
October 22, 2024
Elevate Indy Westside Wednesdays

 Hi there!

We are so excited to bring you another Westside Wednesday update as we prepare for our expansion this coming school year.

Our Elevate Westside partner schools are going to be George Washington Community High School Matchbook Learning at Wendell Phillips School 63

Both schools are community centered, serving some of the most vulnerable Westside youth and ready to partner to provide our unique education and mentoring program to hundred's of students.

“It is with great excitement and anticipation that we welcome Elevate Indy into our George Washington family.  The reputation of this program and its people precede it!” -Stan Law, Principal, George Washington High School

“Matchbook Learning is thrilled to have Elevate Indy begin working with our student community during the 2019-20 school year!  We are hoping that this is the beginning of a long last partnership providing mentors, support, learning and opportunities for our students.” -Dr. Amy Galloway Swann, Chief Academic Officer, Matchbook Learning While George Washington will be where our high school Elevate classes take place, Matchbook Learning will be a solid pipeline school for our 4th-8th grade Middle Elevate and Little Elevate programming.

George Washington Community High School & Matchbook Learning

Many of you have already been keeping up with us with our #westsidewednesdays feature on social media.

If you haven't been sure to follow us on social media where we have been giving weekly updates and highlights on different aspects of our expansion.

Be sure to keep up with us on all of our social media platforms, such as TwitterFacebook, & Instagram.



Elevate Indy Facebook

ELEVATE Indianapolis is a civic non-profit organization funded by private individuals, business owners, and foundations in Indianapolis, Indiana. All donations to ELEVATE Indianapolis are tax deductible.

Your investment will benefit the lives of urban youth by providing positive, significant and measurable change. Invest in our students online at 

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